Objective: Advertising will convince those who are looking for a way to brighten their day and their attitude by reconnecting with the basics and finding simplicity through comfort, that a relaxed pair of Birkenstock sandals will provide the missing link while also helping their posture. Because Birkenstocks mold to your feet for one of a kind support and comfort, they create the basis for entire body improvement and the ability to rebuild yourself from the ground up.
Support 2: Sandals mold to your feet for one-of-a-kind comfort
Brand Character: Omniscient being with an air of being relaxed, comfortable, natural, and is able to see the humor in life.
Tone: Friendly yet informative; simple, to the point, slightly tongue-in-cheek.
Big Idea: Advertising will show traditional villains and evil characters after they have invested in Birkenstock sandals. The incredible comfort that Birkenstocks have provided for their feet will give them a better attitude and a more positive outlook on life, thus demonstrating the outrageous ways in which Birkenstock can make a permanent and noticeable change for the better.
Ad 1: portrays the devil holding a pitchfork, whistling and wearing Birkenstocks
Headline: He’s in Heaven
Tagline: Birkenstock. It’s All About Comfort.
Body Copy: Once the Devil got a little taste of heaven for his feet he began to chill out. He is still the ruthless lord of Hell, but thanks to Birkenstocks ‘ ability to mold to his feet providing one-of-a-kind comfort, he will at least meet you at the firey gates with a smile on his face and a cheery wiggle in his toes.
Ad 2: portrays the Grim Reaper holding his scythe and a balloon and wearing Birkenstocks
Headline: Sole Searching Paid off
Tagline: Birkenstock. It’s All About Comfort
Body Copy: Instead of collecting souls and taking them to the grave, Grim has a new hobby: providing some long overdue support for his feet. Traveling the globe on a dialy basis wasn’t boding well before Birkenstocks. Now he’s got more comfortable feet, a more chipper attitudeand a new type of soleto collect
Ad 3: Portrays the Grinch with a heart that’s 3-sizes too big and wearing Birkenstocks
Headline: Shoe Size: 12 / Heart Size: 3X too large
Body Copy: Many times in Whoville in seasons past /The Grinch’s merriment could not last. / But now that he’s got Birkenstocks that mold to his feet, / His heart keeps on growing and stealing Christmas takes a backseat. // Now the story you know teaches of love and good cheer, / But The Grinch’s redemption? - it started right here. / He’s got a smile on his face and a spring in his walk. / ‘Cause he’s so content with the gift of Birkenstock!
note: i am now aware that the shoes are on the wrong feet.